NACP Repository

The NACP REPOSITORY is the online archive for the preservation and dissemination of materials produced/affiliated to the National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana. The NACP works together with several Health agencies across the world and they aim to:

  • develop interventions to reduce HIV transmission in Ghana
  • provide care and support services for Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV)
  • expand access to HIV Testing and Counselling services

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2021 Annual Report
(National AIDS/STI Control Programme / Ghana Health Service, 2022-09) National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana
2020 Annual Report
(National AIDS/STI Control Programme / Ghana Health Service, 2021) National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana
In 2020, the HIV prevalence was 2.0% amongst pregnant women attending antenatal care (2020 HIV Sentinel Survey Report, June 2021). To reduce the incidence of HIV in the country, the Programme developed and began the implementation of an Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization plan and collaborated with other partners to address HIV- and COVID related stigma and human rights abuses. One million eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand, one hundred and forty-nine (1,837,149) out of a target of 1,440,103 were tested for HIV in 2020, representing 128% target coverage. Approximately 17% were males, 32% were non-pregnant women, and 51% were pregnant women. Of those tested, 58,746 were found positive, giving a testing yield of 3.2%, the lowest in the last five years. From a total of 1,238,208 expected pregnancies in 2020, 70% (861,030) were tested for HIV and received their results. Thirteen thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven (13,227) out of those tested were newly diagnosed as HIV positive, giving a yield of 1.5%, and 8,125(61%) were initiated on ARVs. In addition, 17,665 clients who already knew that they were HIV positive were validated to be HIV positive at ANC registration, and 14,998(88%) of them were also already on antiretroviral treatment. In all, 24,762 of the 30,892 HIV positive pregnant women were offered ARVs, giving an ARV coverage of 80% among ANC clients in the year under review. Nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven (9,977) of the 29,851 expected HIV Exposed Infants identified received Early Infant Diagnosis (EID), giving a 33% nucleic acid testing coverage, and 7.2% (716) of them were positive at six weeks. Thirty-one thousand and thirty-five (31,035) adults and children were initiated on ART in 2020. As of December 2020, a total of 208,811 clients were on treatment, a significant increase from the 2019 figure. Ninety-four thousand six hundred and eighty-eight (94,688) viral load tests were performed as of December 2020, and 69,090 were virally suppressed. With the estimated 346,120 persons living with HIV in Ghana in 2020(Spectrum Estimates 2020), the 90-90-90 status for the country was 63-95-73 as of December 2020.
2015 Annual Report
(National AIDS/STI Control Programme / Ghana Health Service, 2016) National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana
The year 2015 marked a major transition for the National AIDS/STI Control Programme as Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo (Public Health Specialist) was appointed the substantive Programme Manager by GHS Council following the successful retirement of Dr. Nii Akwei Addo after a meritorious service to the nation. It also marked a transition from the old grant (Round 8 Phase 2) to the New Funding Mechanism (NFM) of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. It and support services. was a year of the old and new characterized by mixed fortunes in the implementation of HIV and STI prevention, treatment, care the annual HIV Sentinel survey was undertaken successfully with a 2015 HIV prevalence of 1.8% as against that of 1.6% in 2014 and 1.9% in 2013 amongst pregnant women attending Antenatal Care. Syphilis A total of Nine hundred and fifty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy-four (955,674) out of a target of two million, five hundred and seventeen thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five persons (2,517,985) 2015. Prevalence dropped from 0.6% to 0.1%, and HIV prevalence amongst STI clients also reduced from 4.2% in 2014 to 3.2%(2015 HIV Sentinel Survey Report, May 2016). were tested for HIV, giving a 38% coverage. Approximately 11% were males (107,435), 16% were non-pregnant women and the remaining 73% were pregnant women. Two thousand three hundred and twenty-five (2,325) sites provided PMTCT services in 2015
2018 Annual Report
(National AIDS/STI Control Programme / Ghana Health Service, 2019-06-30) National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana
In 2018, the HIV prevalence was 2.4% as against that of 2.1% in 2017 amongst pregnant women attending Antenatal Care (2018 HIV Sentinel Survey Report, May 2018). To reduce the incidence of HIV in the country, the Programme developed and began the implementation of an Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization plan and collaborated with other partners to address HIV-related stigma and human rights abuses. One Million, seven hundred and two thousand, five hundred and forty-three (1,702,543) out of a target of 2,635,050 persons were tested for HIV in 2018, representing 65% target coverage, the highest in the last five years. Approximately 20% were males, 29% were non-pregnant women, and the remaining 51% were pregnant women. Of those tested 72,291 were found positive, giving a testing yield of 4.2%, the lowest in the last five years.From a total of 1,184,574 expected pregnancies in 2018, 73% (867,263) were offered HIV testing and received their results. Thirteen thousand, five hundred and fifty (13,550) out of those tested were HIV positive (1.6%), and 11,236 (83% of positives) were provided ARVs to Prevent Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT). Nine thousand, five hundred and forty-nine (9,549) of the 13,550 expected HIV Exposed Infants (HEI) received Early Infant Diagnosis (EID), giving a 70% nucleic acid testing coverage and 7% (682) of them were positive at six weeks.
2017 Annual Report
(National AIDS/STI Control Programme / Ghana Health Service, 2018-06-01) National AIDS Control Programme, Ghana
In 2017, HIV prevalence was 2.1% as against that of 2.4% in 2016 and 1.8% in 2015 amongst pregnant women attending Antenatal Care. (2017 HIV Sentinel Survey Report, May 2018) A total of one million, two hundred and seventy-one thousand, three hundred and forty-seven (1,271,347) out of a targeted two million, six hundred and thirty-five thousand, and forty-nine persons (2,635,049) were tested for HIV; giving a coverage of 48%. Approximately 14% were males (179,667), 21% were non-pregnant women, and the remaining 65% were pregnant women. Three thousand, seven hundred and fifty (3,750) sites were providing PMTCT services by the end of 2017. Out of a targeted 1,158,263 pregnant women, eight hundred and twenty thousand, one hundred and ninety-one (820,191) were tested and counselled for HIV and also received their results. This represents 71% coverage of expected (1,158,263) pregnancies for the year. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and twenty-nine (15,829) out of the 820,191 were HIV positive (1.9%), and 10,568 (67% of positives) were provided ARVs to Prevent Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT). About 51% of the 15,829 expected HIV Exposed Infants (HEI) received Early Infant Diagnosis (EID). Eight percent (8%) of the 8,082 HEIs were positive (643). Twenty-six thousand, nine hundred and sixty-nine (26,969) adults and children were initiated on ART in 2017, (7,502 males and 19,467 females) in 375 sites. The target for the year was twenty-six thousand (26,000). This brings the total number of clients on ART to 125,667. Currently, the estimated HIV population in Ghana is approximately 313,000 (EPP Spectrum Estimates 2017). The estimated ART coverage is therefore 40%. During the year, NACP organized trainings for health care workers in HIV Testing and Counselling, PMTCT/EID & DBS, ART, LMIS in all ten regions as part of the plan to improve access to HIV services